I was doing my Yoga as I normally do on a regular basis. I find that this type of stretching and exercise really helps with my FMS pain. I remember a few years ago, I was dating a guy who was clear across the country, yes one of those long distance relationships where I was in the relationship and the guy was still fishing for more women in his dating profile and I took mine down. Yes I know it was dumb at the time, but I dumbed him. Anyway, as I was saying, I remember doing that yoga move, Downward Dog and he got excited by it. So far I have learning that it does not take much to get a man excited. I learned that it is how they are made or programmed. It made me laugh when I was doing my Yoga exercise this evening and so I have made a note to myself to not do that exercise in whoever my future man will be. Lets just say that in my former life I did not date very much so my knowledge was nil.
Over the last few years through trial and error I have managed to learn more about intricate and unique male mind. Sorry no male bashing here as well it is pointless as each man is different.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Downward Dog Woof!
downward dog,
yoga positions
Thursday, May 22, 2008
How is David Blaine Changing the World?
I cannot help but wonder just how is David Blaine helping to change the world? It has been reported that he broke the world record of holding his breath. I would love to see him do more in helping the communities as that is just me. I really like seeing celebrities giving their own money or services to help those in need. I know he did some things about two years ago but would like to see more. They make all this money more than anyone else in the world and don't give back very much unfortunately. I really could never really get into his antics as he tries to shocking feats but they just seem so ridiculous and stupid. He is a good actor though as that is what draw people in to watch and see what more can he do.
Getting Paid! Bring on the Bling!
I must admit that I do enjoy doing Payperpost paid posting type of opportunities as it does help with my finances, chronic health ailments, and take care of my schooling tuition fees. I know that I will be increasing my Rainy Day Savings this year so that just in case anything happens I will be prepared. There is nothing like a tragedy to occur and then not having the funds to be able to take care of. I also plan to help myself better healthwise, as you may not know I also battle with a tough illness called Fibromyalgia. I joined up so that I would be able to meet my goals that I have set out for myself. I have been ill for over 8 years now and it truly has not been an easy journey. I know that I would like to start getting massages, and take some warm water aerobic classes to help with the pain.
I do a lot of freelance writing work which does help me to expand more as a writer and as an artist. I like to continue to hone on my craft and help it to improve on a regular basis. I would like to be able to get a smaller laptop or a more lightweight type of laptop with wireless capabilities to do my writing primarily on as I would be able to carry it around. So I have some little goals that have a big impact on my life.
Denise Richards vs. Charlie Sheen
Wow! Sometimes I feel sorry for her and at times I do as I think that both of them should just keep quiet and keep their business private too. I wonder if the courts can file contempt on them both for airing each other's dirty laundry of each other? However it is free will. Charlie Sheen is not all that great either and he is a womanizer type. I do not have time to list all of the women that he has been with. I did not know that she was having a reality show and her kids are in it which is a bad idea. Why exploit her children and put them in between more of this madness? Those kids are going to need so much therapy when they grow up and I believe that they have been through hell as it is.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
What's the rush?
I have noticed that there seems to be a quickly growing trend of people that lose patience quite easier and are in such a rush. A rush to work, a rush to school, a rush to the movies, a rush in relationships, and rushing just overall in life.
I think that it is easy to lose focus and not stop to slow down and smell the roses. Although we are all busy, it is only takes a few minutes to slow down and enjoy your surroundings.
I have several personal challenges health-wise that keep me home bound as you may or may not know already from viewing my other blogs. I have been forced to slow down whether I wanted to or not, as I had no choice but to slow down. I am a multitasking type of person and I still use this tool. However, I have learned that I need to do one thing at a time, and I have noticed that I manage to get more done, have little or no errors in my work, and I am able to obtain more work.
I have noticed that I have been seeing such a rush in the dating scene, and seeing that so many do not take the time to savor the specialness of a long term relationship. Enjoying each other's company through conversation and genuine interest. When things are rushed it makes everything more difficult and if each person slowed down then there would be a better change for the relationship to grow. This can be applied to almost any relationship.
I have managed to do some soul searching over the last few years and I have noticed that I have grown so much in my life. I tap into my common sense on a 24/7 basis and have noticed that life has been so much better. I can recognize time-wasters and easily move on to something better.
Some pointers in trying to live life to the fullest:
1. Slow down! Take a few minutes to an hour out of the day to just relax, just be. You will find that you will be more at ease, and regain focus.
2. Find a hobby. Search for a hobby that you enjoy doing and brings you joy. I have always loved to write and it has helped me to get all of my emotions on paper, cope with challenging issues, and feel free after expressing myself.
3. Spend time with a friend or family member. Relationships with others are important as they provide a social interaction. I do have a hard time with meeting others in person due to the challenges I have however I have been going out to workout several times a week so this allows me to be social with others quite easily.
4. Take a technology time off! What this means is taking time off from the computer, from your cell phone, or television. This will help you to unplug and do something else that is relaxing such going for a walk or reading a book.
I think that it is easy to lose focus and not stop to slow down and smell the roses. Although we are all busy, it is only takes a few minutes to slow down and enjoy your surroundings.
I have several personal challenges health-wise that keep me home bound as you may or may not know already from viewing my other blogs. I have been forced to slow down whether I wanted to or not, as I had no choice but to slow down. I am a multitasking type of person and I still use this tool. However, I have learned that I need to do one thing at a time, and I have noticed that I manage to get more done, have little or no errors in my work, and I am able to obtain more work.
I have noticed that I have been seeing such a rush in the dating scene, and seeing that so many do not take the time to savor the specialness of a long term relationship. Enjoying each other's company through conversation and genuine interest. When things are rushed it makes everything more difficult and if each person slowed down then there would be a better change for the relationship to grow. This can be applied to almost any relationship.
I have managed to do some soul searching over the last few years and I have noticed that I have grown so much in my life. I tap into my common sense on a 24/7 basis and have noticed that life has been so much better. I can recognize time-wasters and easily move on to something better.
Some pointers in trying to live life to the fullest:
1. Slow down! Take a few minutes to an hour out of the day to just relax, just be. You will find that you will be more at ease, and regain focus.
2. Find a hobby. Search for a hobby that you enjoy doing and brings you joy. I have always loved to write and it has helped me to get all of my emotions on paper, cope with challenging issues, and feel free after expressing myself.
3. Spend time with a friend or family member. Relationships with others are important as they provide a social interaction. I do have a hard time with meeting others in person due to the challenges I have however I have been going out to workout several times a week so this allows me to be social with others quite easily.
4. Take a technology time off! What this means is taking time off from the computer, from your cell phone, or television. This will help you to unplug and do something else that is relaxing such going for a walk or reading a book.
self improvement,
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Suspected Car Thief Left Oil Trail For Police
Another dumb criminal who definitely did not think before he acted.
This criminal in Sacramento, CA made a blunder by leading the police
straight to his front door by leaving a trail of engine oil fluid. I
guess you could say that the police had quite an easy time trying to
find him. He stole a car and it sounded like he had stolen parts out of
the car and took off with the oil soaked items. The criminal said he
does not steal cars, well he did steal the car and the parts to go with
it that is for sure.
This criminal in Sacramento, CA made a blunder by leading the police
straight to his front door by leaving a trail of engine oil fluid. I
guess you could say that the police had quite an easy time trying to
find him. He stole a car and it sounded like he had stolen parts out of
the car and took off with the oil soaked items. The criminal said he
does not steal cars, well he did steal the car and the parts to go with
it that is for sure.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Alec Baldwin=Diarrhea of the Mouth
I watched some of that interview of Alec Baldwin on 60 Minutes and at times I think that he has diarrhea of the mouth and has to learn how to be shut up and not respond to everything single thing. He talks about running as a candidate however I believe that he has way to many skeletons in his closet, that he will not get very far in any political race he is thinking of running for.
The things that he said to his daughter still rings loud in my mind and that is not someone I want to be running any part of the government. I think it is best for him to stick to acting as he is good at that. At least...
The things that he said to his daughter still rings loud in my mind and that is not someone I want to be running any part of the government. I think it is best for him to stick to acting as he is good at that. At least...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Britney Spears another car crash accident?
I really believe that some people should not be behind the wheel at all. I think that she should take her driving test all over again. Yes the written AND the manual driving part too. She has had so many accidents over the last few years.
Well it seems that this time she was starting to move off in stationary traffic while the light was still red and ran into a Red Ford Explorer in front. So anyway all I can do is hope that she will be more careful in the future.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Man Gets Caught Stealing at Police Auction
I absolutely could not believe what I read today. A man allegedly stole from a police auction, and the police caught him in the act. I mean of all places to steal from, a police auction. I just thought that this guy is very stupid and silly. I was wondering if he thought that he would not be caught perhaps? Anyway he was caught stealing a screwdriver set from inside one of the vehicles that was for sale. When the officers searched him they also a gold colored bracelet in his pocket that he had also had taken from the sale.
So I think that man may have wanted to get caught perhaps?
Who knows but the common sense in me says that he should just fought the urge to not shoplift ever and if he truly has a problem then go get some legitimate help and counseling.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Craigslist's Missed Connections = Possible Stalkers?
I have been visiting Craigslist in looking for freelance writing gigs and through browsing I came across a section on Craigslist called Missed Connections. The section for men that have spotted women is much longer than the section of women searching for men, now isn't that a surprise?
Anyway a lot of them made me laugh and some of them were quite creepy to me as it is seems like some of the guys are watching the same woman over and over, talking about what she wore, and what she said to him or not say to him. Some were even specific as to what the person was doing at the time. I can't help but wonder why they did not take the chance to talk to the person at least.
Here some samples:
"You had a unique Louis Bag.
Great smile.
Amazing body.
Mail in your hand after you were at the teller.
If I didn't get that look back while you were
on the way out, I wouldn't be writing right now..."
"Asian woman with the magic eyes...... - m4w - 35
You saw me, I saw you. We stared into each others eyes from across the street. We did not look away and kept the gaze until we passed. Then we both looked back and you waved. How did you know I longed to stop in the middle of the street and kiss you until the cars blared on their horn? I know you knew. I have never been with an Asian woman, and obviously you thought i was as handsome as I thought you were beautiful. One night with me is all I ask. One night of blissful, secret, romantic passion. Can it be? could you find me?"
"I was doing some work on your block this morning and you walked past me while I was on my cell. I was toatally blown away by how beautiful you are. You came out of your house and moved your car. I wanted so much to say "Good Morning" but decided against it. Now I wish I had. I doubt you'll see this but if you do, tell me what kind of car you moved, color and model."
"Retreat on Sat 5/3 - Cute girl called Moon? - m4w - 23
Hi we were talking and dancing for a bit that night at this ghetto lounge Retreat, and I was going to get you drinks but then the bartender took too long, and somehow you left with your friends.
You had a twin sister who went to the same school as me.
Can't get you out of my mind! Hope you read this!"
Need I say more?!
Technorati Tags: craigslist, missed connections, stalkers, love, romance
Anyway a lot of them made me laugh and some of them were quite creepy to me as it is seems like some of the guys are watching the same woman over and over, talking about what she wore, and what she said to him or not say to him. Some were even specific as to what the person was doing at the time. I can't help but wonder why they did not take the chance to talk to the person at least.
Here some samples:
"You had a unique Louis Bag.
Great smile.
Amazing body.
Mail in your hand after you were at the teller.
If I didn't get that look back while you were
on the way out, I wouldn't be writing right now..."
"Asian woman with the magic eyes...... - m4w - 35
You saw me, I saw you. We stared into each others eyes from across the street. We did not look away and kept the gaze until we passed. Then we both looked back and you waved. How did you know I longed to stop in the middle of the street and kiss you until the cars blared on their horn? I know you knew. I have never been with an Asian woman, and obviously you thought i was as handsome as I thought you were beautiful. One night with me is all I ask. One night of blissful, secret, romantic passion. Can it be? could you find me?"
"I was doing some work on your block this morning and you walked past me while I was on my cell. I was toatally blown away by how beautiful you are. You came out of your house and moved your car. I wanted so much to say "Good Morning" but decided against it. Now I wish I had. I doubt you'll see this but if you do, tell me what kind of car you moved, color and model."
"Retreat on Sat 5/3 - Cute girl called Moon? - m4w - 23
Hi we were talking and dancing for a bit that night at this ghetto lounge Retreat, and I was going to get you drinks but then the bartender took too long, and somehow you left with your friends.
You had a twin sister who went to the same school as me.
Can't get you out of my mind! Hope you read this!"
Need I say more?!
Technorati Tags: craigslist, missed connections, stalkers, love, romance
missed connections,
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Conn. boy wears Packers jersey for 1,581 days!
Phew! I can only imagine how stingy that jersey must have been! David Witthoft, 12 years old from Ridgefield, Conn finally took off his Brett Favre jersey for a red shirt for the first time in 1,581 days. He has worn it everyday for the last 4 and half years. He received it as a gift for Christmas in 2003. Talk about really loving the present that he received.
However, I found out that his mother watched the jersey every other day and mended it when needed.
In reality world, I do not think that my parents would allow for anything like that occur. I would be FORCED to change my clothes whether I wanted to do or not. I think if I was his mom, the shirt would end up mysteriously missing in order to get him to wear something else for a change.
I am surprised that his parents allowed this and I wonder if this boy gets to go outside and be active on a regular basis? Although this is of course a publicity stunt for attention, I must say that this is one of the oddest news that I have heard in awhile.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Lawmaker wants to ban drivers from holding pets on their laps
A California lawmaker wants to ban drivers from holding pets on their laps while driving.
Now I must say that drivers are always finding things to distract themselves from driving hence the reason for so many accidents. First it was the cell phones, then the texting, and now holding pets in one's lap while driving?! What will they think of next? Anyway I thought it was a given that a person needs to be fully able to concentrate while driving. I do not do anything while I am driving, I set my music station at the stop light. I just do not have the ability to concentrate with other distractions. Driving and talking on the phone, I am not able to pull it off at all.
it is sad that lawmakers have to make bills to prevent people from doing things they are already not suppose to be doing. Hello! COMMON SENSE!
Technorati Tags: dogs, driving,
common sense,
Thursday, May 8, 2008
How to Make a Married Man Commit to You
I recently read an interesting article that caught my immediately and I thought to myself, what is the benefit of dating a married a man, let alone trying to get him to commit to you.
The common sense in me is dying to come out and here I am.
How is someone who is already in a committed relationship will be able to commit to someone else? He cannot have two commitments as one will fall apart eventually. One is bound by law, and the other is bound by emotions.
I do have to ask is why would someone do something like this and be with someone who is already taken? Do they not have enough confidence in themselves that they are able to attract someone who is perfect for them, meets what they are looking for and is single?
The common words that I hear from friends of mine who took a change in dating a married man, who says that they will leave their spouses for the person that they are having an affair with. That rarely ever happens, and if they do, then they are bound to pretty much cheat on you with someone else. In many ways I would say it is Karma!
If there are children involved then that is even worse and those children will be hurt from the affair. I believe that the best thing to do if you are having an affair with a married man is to:
1. End the relationship.
The relationship is not going to progress into anything great. Putting your life on hold while available honest men pass you by, that would be able to provide all that you are needing.
So it is best to cut your losses now. It will save your heart from further damage. Consider the people that you are hurting in the process, such as his wife, his children (if any), and for you if you have any children. They are the innocent bystanders of this traumatic experience.
2. Find out how you feel about yourself and what made you choose this person?
This is important as the question is what is it about this person attracted you to them. Do you really love yourself? Finding out who you are and learning about yourself is key in order for you to grow.
3. Seek counseling to help you cope with this loss, and learn more in how to prevent this from happening again. Gain a better understanding what and how love should be. Love should not include lies, but of honesty.
I see these extra-maritial affairs as a slippery slope all the way downhill and to never to be able to climb back up again. If a person is in this type of affair, remember the man is controlling everything and basically you are giving up your life over to them. When you will meet, when you will do things together, cancelling your plans just to meet with them when they have time. It is not worth it. Get your self-esteem back and learn to stand on your own.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Britney Spears requested back on CBS hit show "How I Met Your Mother"
"We're all so thrilled to have Britney joining us once again," series
executive producer and co-creator Craig Thomas said in a statement. (Associated Press)
Since Britney has participated in the show previous, she has been receiving rave reviews.
I must say that this is good for Britney and hopefully she will continue in doing great things as this and keep her butt out of trouble.
britney spears,
how i met your mother,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Mariah Carey is messing up!
I am really disappointed with Mariah Carey as she cancelled a taping with "The View" and this would have been great PR to promote her new CD E=mc2. Her marriage to Nick Cannon has seemed to overshadow her career at this time.
I do hope that she gets it together so that we can see more of her.
As for her marriage I really give it 6 months or so to last.
Mariah Carey,
Nick Cannon,
the view
Sex in the City to be Death in the City?
I swear people are really trying to leak out information about this movie which is due to open to all movie theaters on May 30th.
The plot has been hinting that Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) is suppose to finally be married to Mr. Big (Chris Noth).
There have been rumors that Mr. Big might be killed off in the movie, dying from a heart attack however director Michael Patrick King had this to say about the rumor, "Kill Mr. Big? I would have been chased around the planet by women with torches....I did want an emotional roller-coaster," King said. "But my ultimate
target was to make our 'girlfriends' — in other words, our audience —
happy. And I don't think Mr. Big dying would make them happy."
There has been another rumor that was noted from the New York magazine suggested that Charlotte may be killed off in a freak tennis accident. Michael Patrick King had this final word to say, "It's a summer movie," he said. "Why would I want to kill anyone?"
So with that I believe that this will be one of the top movies to be give the summer movie blockbuster a sizzling, naughty start.
Main source: Yahoo News
carrie bradshaw. mr. big,
sex in the city
Friday, May 2, 2008
Celebrity Obsession
Now I must admit that I really do enjoy celebrities as much as the next person. I guess their lives are quite interesting and watching them cope with having absolutely no privacy at all is like watching a spectator sport and seeing who survives.
With this blog I know that I will be sharing plenty of my thoughts about celebrities and those that are in the public eye or have done something absolutely horrendously wrong and received press about it.
So this blog is about using one's common sense which seems to be heavily lacking with those that are admired the most. I know that I will be having a great time pointing this out and being the voice that says everything that everyone is thinking about but was too afraid to talk to about it.
My topics at most times may be controversial and please keep in mind that I am entitled to my opinion.
With this blog I know that I will be sharing plenty of my thoughts about celebrities and those that are in the public eye or have done something absolutely horrendously wrong and received press about it.
So this blog is about using one's common sense which seems to be heavily lacking with those that are admired the most. I know that I will be having a great time pointing this out and being the voice that says everything that everyone is thinking about but was too afraid to talk to about it.
My topics at most times may be controversial and please keep in mind that I am entitled to my opinion.
What the hell!! Mariah Carey MARRIED!!!!
I just found out that my dearest and one of my favorite singers has gotten married to none other than Nick Cannon!!
Now mind you I do like Nick Cannon to an extend but not for marrying and such. I just do not think he is marriage material at all. PLUS! He was previous engaged to some chick last year. Seriously between him and Usher, they seem to like to get engaged and such but they are not marriage material.
Plus HE gave Mariah the same ring that he tried to give his ex when he proposed to her. Sheesh talk about hand me downs.
I just think that Mariah Carey can do better than silly Nick Cannon! Well I give it eeh 2-3 months that it will last. I would be really surprised if it lasted longer than that.
engagment ring,
Mariah Carey,
Nick Cannon,
Paula Abdul--What's wrong with you?
Honestly Paula! What is up with you? I really do think that something is wrong with her these days with all of this looking drunk type of things going on. The mess up that she made on American Idol has proved to me that she really needs help. I am thinking that she is on medications that make her loopy. She needs to get a new doctor that prescribes her with medications that do not make her this way as it is making her appear as a fool in the public.
American Idol,
Paula Abdul,
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