Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Miley Cyrus---It's a Big No No! by Commonsense4Ever

The Miley Cyrus Uproar
April 30, 2008

Readers with little girls at home don't have to be told who Miley Cyrus is. Their daughters want to be Miley Cyrus. The Disney Channel singer/actress is the star of "Hannah Montana," one of the most popular shows on TV. Her latest album is No. 3 on Billboard magazine's bestseller list. Reports estimate that she will bring in $1 billion in business to Disney this year.

[The Miley Cyrus Uproar]

She is also 15. Thus this week's uproar over a seminude photo by Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair magazine. The photo – showing Miley draped in a sheet, back bared, hair tousled, with a come-hither smile – upset countless parents who immediately grasped the photo's essential vulgarity.

Such ordinary wisdom apparently escaped every so-called grown-up involved in the photo shoot. The sophisticates at Vanity Fair defended the picture as a "beautiful and natural portrait." Absent sensible adults, Miley herself stepped forward to issue a statement saying that the now-embarrassing photo shoot was supposed to be "artistic."

Next to what crosses TV and computer screens every day, Miley's photo is relatively tame – save for the fact that Vanity Fair was trying to lower the bar on this stuff to the age of 15. Parents have enough difficulty teaching their daughters how not to expose their bodies in a vulgar way; this makes it harder. If there's good news here, it's that folks in Buffalo, Charlotte or Iowa City are still insisting on cultural norms alien to the elites of Manhattan or Hollywood.


Miley Cyrus---It's a Big No No! by Commonsense4Ever.

I must say that I feel bad for Miley Cyrus and she is

young and did make a bad judgment on the pictures that she

took for Vanity Fair. I mean she had to think hmm well

does this match with the image that she has been

portraying in her music and tv show, etc.

I could see if she was 18 or 19 but not 15. I do not

understand why her parents or even her publicist did not

step in and say hey no this is not a good idea. The

pictures are nice and they artsy but it is not appropriate

for her age. So I think that she unfortunately damaged her

image. She is not an adult so I believe that someone

responsible should have made the decision on whether those

photos should be done.

It is hard enough for parents who are trying to shield

their children away from sexual and violent matters. I do hope that she will

be able to recover from this mess and it will blow over. I

hope that in the future that she will have better consultation

to help her in making appropriate decisions in her career

and more importantly her life.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Nice Guy /Girl Theory By Commonsense4Ever

Nice Guy/Girl Theory by Commonsense4Ever

There is this theory in the dating world about "nice guys." Guys claim that they are a nice guy and then women say that they want a nice guy. However, that has never been truly all the way defined as to what is a nice guy for each individual.

A nice guy has been so far defined as having the qualities of:

Being kind, treating everyone with respect, does not always voice their opinions as they want to please their partner and feels that this is respecting their partner through doing this. They are the ones that will buy flowers and everything for their woman as they want to be please her all of the time. They listen to everything that their woman tells them, and portray themselves as a good listener. They allow the person to control them in so many ways.

Some of those are great qualities and I can also see that some of these other qualities there is not a lot of self-love and care for themselves.

Now the nice guys have been defined as doormats, someone to walk all over as they do not care about themselves but only care about the person that they are in a relationship with.

So many times I see men that get bitter when a woman they were with dumps them for a guy that is named as a "bad boy". The guy that does not care about their feelings, treats them terrible, and many times the woman has low self-esteem, and does not respect themselves.

I think that with the so called nice guys they like to rescue a woman and try to show her what she has been missing and treat her kindly. However, there are many women are out there have not come across a man that has treated them well and when they come across a nice guy they are not sure if he is really being nice, nor how to handle that type of character.

I do not see anything wrong with being a nice person. I am a nice person myself however I do have my boundaries and if someone crosses my boundaries I do speak up and let them know that is not acceptable to me and to not do that again. If a person continually crosses my boundaries then I either do not continue to communicate with them any further or I limit the contact that I have with that person.

That is the difference between the nice guy or girl and someone who has self-esteem, confidence, and believes in themselves.

There seems to be a misunderstanding that those that are nice are easy to take advantage of and what I do want to say is that do not allow others to do that sort of thing. Stand up for yourself!

There is nothing with being nice and courteous to others but go to be able to love yourself. If you love yourself, then you need to stand up and be strong.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Common Sense is Key

I believe that common sense is key in order to live a decent or rather successful life. So often I see so many people that I cannot but wonder what exactly happened to them while they were growing up or how it is that they lacked the common sense gene.

Definition of common sense is:

"Sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment."


I keep running into people that lack this quality and this prevents them from reaching goals that they have and it is so sad to see that this happen. All I can do is that they can try to learn how to improve this needed quality.

In this blog I will be talking about certain experiences and situations that I have encountered. I will also share my philosophies, encouraging quotes and inspirational affirmations.